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  • #1465321

    In the site admin, on a regular page, we re using the table feature for some content. Within the content boxes of the tables we have been using a small svg image icon next to a link. The source code for the svg in the code is 24px. At some point a few versions back on Enfold, when you go edit these tables we see a really large Icon image just showing in the admin. It makes it very difficult to make edits. On the front end of the site, things are ok. When inspecting the element this is what you see:

    .avia-modal img[src*=”.svg”] {
    width: 1500px;
    The source location for the css is here:

    I try putting in CSS overrides at the Enfold level, and WordPress customize, and that didn’t work. I also tried a child theme and then tried the CSS directly in that and it didn’t work. Please advise what can be done to override this correctly.


    Hey ronduring,
    Try adding this code to the end of your child theme functions.php file in Appearance ▸ Editor:

    function custom_css_admin_mod() {
      echo '<style>
        .avia-modal .avia-table img[src*=".svg"] {
    width: 24px;
    add_action('admin_head', 'custom_css_admin_mod');

    Then clear your browser cache and check.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Mike. That fixed the issue.



    Glad to know that this has been resolved. Please feel free to open another thread if you have more questions about the theme.

    Have a nice day.

    Best regards,

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