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  • #1465183

    I’m trying to add a video on a site. On the “over ons” page there’s no problem.
    On the Homepage however it seems impossible to show the video.
    I tried to embed the video, to upload it by a link with Vimeo, to upload by the media manager, to put it in an easy slider, in a video box and a text box. But the visual stays black. I can hear the sound but there’s no image.
    I also tried it with all the plugins closed.

    I created the easyslider on a private page, it all worked perfect. But as soon it’s on the Home page it won’t show. Please help.


    Hey Nandavbk,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    You might be using a different URL format of the Vimeo video. Could you provide the URL of the video? The correct URL would be something like the following:


    We tried logging in to the site, but the info above seems to be incorrect. Please check the info or provide another admin account.

    Best regards,


    Hello thanks for the reply,

    I was able to do a quick fix. I embedded the video script in a textblock. So it shows for now. But what I really want is having it played in an easy slider. I set up a test on the bottom of the home page (that’s what I want as a hero image, like on the “private” coming soon page). Not visible now, only when I test it. But I have to test it on the live site because it is showing on other pages just not on the home page.
    (that’s what I want as a hero image, like on the “private” coming soon page)

    The video link is: https://vimeo.com/1001601273



    Thanks for the update. I tried logging into your site, but it’s asking for an authentication code after logging in. Please provide us with that code as well.

    Best regards,


    Oh :-/ sorry for the inconvenience, trying to keep the site as safe as possible. I tested the codes below and it should work now.



    Thank you for the info.

    Did you change the login URL? The link above leads to a 404 page. We tried using the default login URL, but it’s the same.

    Best regards,


    Due to the fact that I inactivated a plugin, the url changed…



    Thank you for the info.

    The video seems to be displaying correctly on the homepage now. Could you provide a screenshot of how it looks on your end?

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    As a wrote in the above comments, I did a quick fix so the video would be displayed on the Homepage (I’ve put the code in the textbox)
    But what I want is the video as a background video in the easyslider as the hero image.
    I made a test box/easyslider (now on the bottom of the page, hidden for al devices)to ttry different things because it does work on other pages.

    If I test the video now it looks like this: https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img924/8044/tubcZi.png



    Thank you for the clarification.

    The video must be muted (Style > Video Settings > Mute video player) for it to play automatically. We created a test page and posted the link in the private field. Please make sure to purge the cache before checking. You may also need to accept the privacy cookies first and refresh the page.

    Best regards,



    The video is muted now, I cleared all cache but I still got a black image and no video. I tested it on Chrome and Safari…and I tested in on the Homepage and on the testpage.

    Best regards,


    I also tried it now with an uploaded version of the video to the media library. That isn’t showing as well but it gives a dark grey screen instead of black…



    Have you tried purging the cache or temporarily disabling the cache plugin? The video played the last time we checked, but the test page we created is now gone. Did you remove it?

    Best regards,

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