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  • #1465152
    Shaugat Ashraf Khan

    Dear Kriesi,

    I hope this email finds you well. My name is Shaugat Ashraf Khan, and I am the Marketing Strategist at Fluent Forms, the smartest and lightweight form builder plugin for WordPress.

    I am reaching out to explore a potential collaboration opportunity that could add significant value to your WordPress themes. Forms are a critical element of any website, whether it’s for contact, subscriptions, feedback or payment. Currently, many themes require users to install a form builder separately, adding extra steps to the setup process.

    We believe that by pre-installing Fluent Forms in your themes, you could offer your customers a more streamlined and hassle-free experience right from the start. Fluent Forms is not only powerful and versatile but also designed to integrate seamlessly with various themes, ensuring that your customers can start building beautiful and functional forms immediately after activating their website.

    We are confident that this collaboration could be mutually beneficial, and we would love to discuss the possibilities further. Please let me know if you would be open to a conversation about how we can work together to create an even better experience for your users.

    Looking forward to your response.

    Best regards,
    Shaugat Ashraf Khan
    Marketing Strategist
    Fluent Forms


    Hey Shaugat,

    Thanks for reaching out, we are not interested at the moment though.

    Best regards,

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