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  • #1464951


    My website is having an issue with the portfolio section since updating the enfold theme. I receive a 404 error on portfolio pages. I can go to my wordpress settings and select permalinks. If I make no changes but press save, suddenly the portfolio pages appear. However, after 24 hours the 404 on the pages reappears. Please can you assist?

    Thanks, Sam


    Hey Sam_ADSeries,

    I’m not sure what could be causing that, but it doesn’t sound like a theme problem. Do the URLs actually change after 24 hours?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    I don’t believe the URLs change. It is very strange as it appears to happen over night (GMT). I can see each page has content on the page builder but a 404 error appears unless I do the permalinks trick I mentioned above. I have installed the health and troubleshoot plugin when I am able to remove all themes and plugins and then slowly add each theme and plugin in individually. If I just add the enfold theme and all other plugins are deactivated, I still get the 404 error – which leads me to assume it is the theme and not a plugin issue.

    To add. the initial landing page titled ‘Solutions’ is working, it is just the portfolio items that have the 404 error even though the content is on the page builder.

    The page will reset tonight and show the 404 error in the morning, I will take a screenshot to show you.

    Any help will be much appreciated.

    Thanks, Sam

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by Sam_ADSeries.
    • This reply was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by Sam_ADSeries.
    • This reply was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by Sam_ADSeries.


    Thanks for the update. I doubt that this is a theme problem, as the permalink settings are default WordPress functionality. There’s nothing in the theme which would change those settings within a set time frame either. Does the same problem occur if you activate a different theme?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    If i choose another theme this will not show the portfolio function as this is an enfold option. I assume you cannot help me resolve this issue.

    I have therefore decided to build new pages to replace the portfolio function pages. The problem I now face is that the advanced layout builder is no longer available when I try to create a new page? I have tried some of the fixes mentioned on previous forum discussions but nothing seems to work – deactivate all in one migration plugin and clear cache.

    Thanks in adavnce


    Hi Rikard,

    I have appeared to resolve the advanced builder option. I have downloaded the plugin ‘classic editor’ and now have the AVIA editor back on all pages.

    Best, Sam



    Thanks for the update. You should not need that plugin, please make sure that you are running the latest version of the theme (6.0.3):

    Best regards,

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