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  • #1464859

    Enfold is stuck?
    Changed boxed layout to flexible, stays boxed?
    Headings do not reflect ypography that is shown in Enfold preview?
    If I make a change to global styles, does not change.
    change font, nothing changes?
    thanks in advance.

    Very strange….

    please assist


    Hey washem,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Please toggle or temporarily disable the Enfold > Performance > File Compression settings to make sure that the changes take effect. If there is a cache plugin installed, make sure to purge the cache afterwards. Let us know if this helps.

    Best regards,


    hmm ok and my other issue is that unless I set a partucilar page to homepage then none of the changes take place!
    If I change the homepage to another static page then the styles of the page(s) change!

    Heading2 goes form white (correct) when set as homepage and then go to Black when not allocated as homepage?

    Is this to be expected behaviour?

    Use case is I have a holding page up while client approves new site. the new site does not render unless I set it live as the new homepage?

    Also the Enfold n ew in this version (x) to close in the WQP dashboard appears every single time the page loads even after dismissing. I fear Enfold is corrupt somehow?



    Thank you for the update.

    Where can we can see the issue? Please provide a screenshot using platforms like Savvyify, Imgur or Dropbox, and post the login details in the private field so that we can properly check the issue.

    Also the Enfold n ew in this version (x) to close in the WQP dashboard a

    We haven’t encountered any complaints about this issue. Please provide a screenshot or contact the plugin author for more info.

    Best regards,


    was already off, turned it on , no difference.

    it appears there is a seperate CSS for the home page and not home page?

    CSS totaly changes depending on which page is set to be homepage?



    We may need to inspect the site to better understand the issue. Please provide the login details in the private field and, if possible, post a screenshot.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Thanks for the link to your site, I looked at all of your page and see that your “footer” as a page is not showing on any of them, typically this is a conflict with Elementor Pro that I see you are loading via muilti-site.
    Try disabling Elementor Pro completely and check again, if you still have trouble leave Elementor Pro disabled so we can check, we were not able to disable.
    Please note that Enfold and Elementor Pro are note designed to work together.

    Best regards,

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