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  • #1464799

    Recently migrated in this Woocommerce store and are moving it to Enfold. Have been troubleshooting this for this last week and just cannot see m to figure out what might be causing these errors. They only show up on the SHOP pages and it is definitely only when Enfold is activated. Warning: Undefined array key “default” … and Warning: Undefined array key “content” in…
    Example pages w/errors:
    2 errors:
    Just one error:

    Have re-installed a fresh version of the theme and turned off all plug-ins to see if we can get it to disappear, but nothing seems to work. On some of teh product pages it even causes the footer to not show up. Strange stuff.

    Thank you in advance!


    Hey Ryan,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Did you modify the header.php or footer.php in the child theme? Please make sure that these template files are updated with the latest version. To temporarily hide the error, try to set the WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY constant to false.


    Best regards,


    Thank you for taking a look! We have actually not changed ANYTHING on the default templates under the child theme. Have a few Function overrides, but those do not seem to have any affect. Completely bypassing the child theme still gets us the errors. Because this is not yet a LIVE site, we would prefer to FIX the errors and not just hide them. What can we do to get to the bottom of what is causing these errors? (have never seen them on any other WooCommerce site running Enfold we have worked on.

    Thank you in advance!


    Update to above. Apparently if we switch to PHP 7.4, BOTH errs seen on category pages like: disappear. Obviously this is not ideal, however hoping this might be helpful to troubleshoot WHERE exactly this is coming from and how to get rid of it?


    I turned OFF display errors in PHP 8.1, but this does not seem ideal going forward. Hoping you have some other advice on this that fixes the issue better going forward? (PHP 8.2 threw the same errors)



    Thank you for the update.

    We are unable to reproduce the issue on our end using PHP 8.0, so we are not yet sure what is causing it. Have you tried disabling all modifications in the functions.php file and temporarily deactivating all plugins?

    Best regards,


    Absolutely, we tried that process first. I have hid the error reporting for now so we can continue to develop, but would love to figure out what exactly is causing it.

    Our PHP version is actually 8.1.25. This is currently the lowest on this server, and what all our sites – including those running Enfold- seem to work fine on. 8.2 still gives trouble with some plug-ins we have noticed.



    We may need to access the theme files via S/FTP to further investigate the issue. Please provide the FTP account details in the private field.

    Best regards,

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