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  • #1463434

    there’s any way to add a:

    on the awesome: or

    if the caption field accept theme shortcodes maybe it would be possible..


    I would like to pause easy slider on mouse hover. Can you please advise?

    Kind regards



    is it a fullwidth or a fullscreen slider that is needed?
    your link goes to easy-slider – the part below shows fullscreen slider.

    Do you have for each slide a different rotator text? Or should the rotator text lay over all slides and is synchronized on slide-change/rotator text change ?

    you can insert the enfold shortcode to caption input field of first slide, then on styling tab of the slider there is the option : “Use first slides caption as permanent caption” ( There will be warnings on doing that – but ignore them )


    there is no default option on slide stop on hovering the slides.


    I am using the Easy Slider element. I have 5 images on autorotation.

    I would like the rotation to pause on mouse hover, is this possible please?

    Kind regards



    on slideshow.js these events ( mouseenter and mouseleave are bind to hoverpause status.
    it is set on line 69 to : hoverpause: false,
    but i do not see a filter to change that option – maybe a mod or dev knows a trick.


    thanks a lot for your help!

    is it a fullwidth or a fullscreen slider that is needed?

    im using Fullwidth right now (easyslider), but tested the fullscreen one just in case and it gives the same alert for using special caracters.

    Do you have for each slide a different rotator text?

    i intent to use one Headline Rotator per slider

    There will be warnings on doing that – but ignore them

    Oh, nice! i was thinking it was limited in some way, if i CAN do it without breaking anything on the theme structure this will solve half my problems :D thanks a lot!

    there is no default option on slide stop on hovering the slides.

    Sad to know, is Kriesi dev team in a need for ticket or something that sugestion get on their sprint?

    • This reply was modified 8 months ago by tiago.

    try on child-theme functions.php:

    function change_slide_options($default){
    		$default['hoverpause'] = true ;
      return $default;
    add_filter('avf_avia_slideshow_defaults','change_slide_options', 10, 1);


    : Thanks for the info! This seems to be working as expected:

    function avf_avia_slideshow_defaults_mod($default)
        $default['hoverpause'] = true;
        return $default;
    add_filter('avf_avia_slideshow_defaults', 'avf_avia_slideshow_defaults_mod', 10, 1);

    Best regards,


    thanks! it works fine (this topic can be closed)



    Thanks for the update. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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