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  • #1462528

    Hi, just updated my theme
    I’m unable to edit content using Advanced editor.
    in backend its showing blank and no editor
    in frontend the editor shows but when editing it shoes the shortcodes and not the content.


    Hey kwanumzen108,

    Thanks for the login details. I had a look at your front page, but the Layout Builder seems to be loading as expected there. On which page can we reproduce the results that you are seeing on your end?

    Best regards,


    Hi, thanks
    try the homw page for example



    Thanks for that, but the Layout Builder is loading as expected on that page as well. Could you give us detailed instructions on how to reproduce the results that you are seeing please?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard
    try to open and edit one of the text blocks
    images attached in private content


    Hello, my scenery theme package is also currently unavailable. WordPress version has been upgraded to 6.6
    Originally, old articles could use the background theme, but new articles could not see the background theme button.


    kwanumzen108 it looks like you have pasted theme shortcode into a text element, but you have extra HTML before and after the shortcode, typically this will cause breaks:
    Enfold Support 6362
    Enfold Support 6364
    sometimes this occurs when a page is saved as a default WordPress builder page, and then converted back again.
    cws0827 I’m not sure what you mean by scenery theme package, please open a new thread with the url to the page in question and an admin login so we can be of more assistance. It gets confusing when we are working on more than one site per thread. Thanks for understanding.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike, i dont think so. This page has not been touched for a few months.
    Try any other page. they all seems to have the same problem. Try ones that have not been edited for a while. (i.e the one attached in the private content)
    my guess is the new versions of the page builder are not backwards compatible with old versions.


    I don’t believe that there is a issue with backward compatibility, we would have also experienced this on our sites and seen other users post this, but I have seen shortcode in the text element become corrupt as in this screenshot:
    I also note that you seem to have put your ALB shortcodes in a text element, instead of adding the elements to the page, do you recall building your pages like this, it is unusual.
    You could try rolling back to the older version, or restore your server backup to before you updated.

    Best regards,


    We had this issue for a long time now, this is why we updated the theme because i thought it would help to solve it. i thought the ALB code was outdated.
    How is it that the content and shortcodes are rendered fine in the front end if they are corrupt ? wouldn’t it show corrupt ?
    this is why i think the issue is with the ALB not reading the shortcode correctly because the content was created in an older version of ALB and worked fine.
    How can we get an older version of ALB ? i dont want to restore from backup, this requires rolling back to a few years ago.
    perhaps you could find the root cause of this ?


    Ok, so you have had this issue for a few years?
    The ALB code doesn’t become outdated, but unclosed HTML tags can break the backend of a site and the frontend can still look fine, this is because of how the shortcode is rendered for the frontend.
    For your homepage each of the elements on the backend seem to show the code for the whole page and not for the specific element, I copied a couple of them and compared the code.
    Unfortunately this page is corrupt and I don’t see a way to correct it, I believe your best option is to restore your site to a older working version, or you could try using the page Revisions to go back to before the page was corrupted, probably by saving it as a Block Editor page, or you could create new pages from scratch.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,
    some pages were editable fine and suddenly this issue appeared without the content being edited.
    how can this be explained ?

    Please test the following scenario:
    1. go to one of the text blocks with content
    2. change to “Text” mode
    3.remove the </p> from start and end of shortcode
    4. change to “visual” display, and then click back to “Text” display.
    the html characters (</p>) are back

    does this make sense ?


    Often when a page is corrupt in this way, you can not correct it and save again, the error just returns, typically using the page Revisions will also not work, but perhaps if you go back far enough it might work, it might be worth a try. But please note to might not be able to recover if it breaks this page.
    I would recommend creating a staging copy of your site first to test on.
    I would draw your attention to the av_fullscreen shortcode in the beginning of the text elements, this is your full screen slider at the top of your page, but it shows in the text element below the slider:
    Enfold Support 6368
    Enfold Support 6370
    and it also shows in the last text element on the page:
    Enfold Support 6374
    Enfold Support 6372
    so this doesn’t match the frontend of your site, as you don’t have more than one full screen slider on your page, thus this page is corrupt and I don’t see a way to correct it,
    this is why I recommend either recreating the page in a new blank page, or using your server backup. I know you said that you would have to go back years, but it sounds like you have not been able to update the page in years, so the backup should be the same as the last time you edited the page. In my guess.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike, how about a search and replace method to run on the posts in the DB
    If i remove the av_fullscreen tag and everything in between it would that help ?


    I believe this would not be a good idea. If you want to try to copy and repair the shortcode in each page, you could try creating a new site with a fresh install on a temp domain and Enable the Avia Layout Builder Debugger on it and your lave site and then copy the debugger shortcode from the live site and paste it into a text editor like VScode or Notepad++ and then search and replace all of the HTML entities like these
    Enfold Support 6376
    and the paste it into the new site, this might work, but you will need to be very careful to not miss any as this would create unclosed tags and break the new page.
    But when I view your site it looks like it is based on the health demo with your text added, so in considering the time it would take, it seems to me that it would be a faster and better process to create a new site with a fresh install on a temp domain, then import the health demo, and then copy the text from the frontend to the new site, not the backend because you don’t want to copy the errors over.
    Also when you copy the text from the frontend ensure to first paste it into a text editor like VScode or Notepad++ and remove any HTML code before to paste it into the new site, otherwise you might copy unclosed HTML tags into your new site a break it.
    This would be a safer method than copying the debugger shortcode if you don’t work with HTML a lot and can spot the errors.

    Best regards,


    what a nightmare…lots of work.
    i dont know how this got to this.
    I’m going to create a script run through the DB and do this on a temp site

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