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  • #1462375

    Hello, when resizing the browser view to at least 80% (using Ctrl + “-” on Windows and Cmd + “-” on macOS) this error appears in the form of a visual artifact (please compare with the attached screenshot). It seems as if the area of overlay on the right, bottom-right and bottom is repeated in a “patterned” way. Is it possible to avoid this by reducing the size of the browser view? Many thanks for your support.


    Hey reqonsult,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    We can only reproduce the issue when zooming out the browser to 50% on a 2560x1440px screen resolution, which is equivalent to a resolution of 5K. Most users use 4K monitors at most. If you find this issue troublesome, you can add this css code.

    #top div .av-section-color-overlay {
        background-repeat: no-repeat !important;
        background-size: cover !important;

    Best regards,


    Hello Ismael, great, it works. Thank you very much. You can close the tread.

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