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  • #1461610

    My website works perfectly on my Macs and iPhone, but the client says NONE of the images are displaying on this website on her Windows PC and presumably non Apple phone. Her clients are also saying they don’t display on their PCs either.

    I have tried deleting the cache with no solution. Also the Control Click – Load image which doesn’t work either.

    Other sites I have using enfold etc work perfectly. So it must be something to do with C&S Seating’s website.

    Hoping you can find the reason!



    PS, I think it is something with how PCs redirect none SSL sites. The website is redirecting to HTTPS when it shouldn’t.



    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The images are also not displaying when we checked the site on macOS using Chrome. This issue might be due to the images in the srcset attribute being loaded via http instead of https. Have you installed any plugins related to images?

    Best regards,


    Oh gosh it’s even more of a mess than I realised!
    The plugins we have activated are:

    GDPR/CCPA Cookie Consent Banner
    Official StatCounter Plugin
    Post Duplicator
    Search Exclude
    Wordfence Security
    WP Mail SMTP
    Yoast SEO

    My client wanted to move from a hosting company they didn’t like to the same local one that does her emails. I felt they were out of their depth as there is no longer a control panel for me to access like Plesk or C-panel making things even more difficult.

    I suggested buying and installing a SSL certificate and the new hosting man agreed. Hopefully this will fix things?



    Thanks for the update. The missing SSL certificate is likely the reason for images not loading, please let us know if it works as expected after one has been installed.

    Best regards,


    Yes thanks it works as expected now. Although I did need to install the plugin Really Simple SSL which fixed all the old links etc.

    Thanks for your help as ever.




    Great! Glad to know that this has been resolved. Please feel free to open another thread if you have more questions about the theme.

    Have a nice day.

    Best regards,

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