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  • #1461573

    Hello from Austria,
    No matter what I try, the landing page of my website does not appear on Google. All other pages are indexed and shown, but the homepage is indexed and not visible! Please find enclosed screenshots of the Google entries and one from the Google Search Console. Unfortunately I have worked with your Demo sites!

    Now I have nearly 300 not indexed demo sites in the Google Search Console and I don’t know how to get rid of them. I tried to eliminate those non-existent sites, but I failed. I read that this is a common problem and I really don’t know how to a) avoid this problem with the indexed demo sites in the future and b) currently solve the problem with these hundreds of unnecessary demo sites. How can I attache screenshots?

    Google Search Console Problems (copied text)
    Warum Seiten nicht indexiert werden
    Nicht indexierte Seiten können nicht in den Google-Suchergebnissen angezeigt werden
    Grund Quelle

    Validierung Trend Seiten
    Nicht gefunden (404) Website

    Seite mit Weiterleitung Website

    Durch “noindex”-Tag ausgeschlossen Website

    Nicht gestartet
    Wegen eines anderen 4xx-Problems blockiert Website

    Nicht gestartet
    Wegen Zugriffsverbot (403) blockiert Website

    Nicht gestartet
    Gecrawlt – zurzeit nicht indexiert Google-Systeme

    Nicht gestartet
    Duplikat – vom Nutzer nicht als kanonisch festgelegt Website

    Alternative Seite mit richtigem kanonischen Tag Website
    Nicht zutreffend
    Gefunden – zurzeit nicht indexiert Google-Systeme
    Nicht zutreffend

    Thank you for coming back with SOLUTIONS to these two problems. THANK YOU.


    Hey zdenkab,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The meta robots tag is correctly set to “index, follow” when we checked the home page, which means that the page can be indexed or crawled by search engines.

    <meta name="robots" content="index, follow, max-image-preview:large, max-snippet:-1, max-video-preview:-1">

    The indexed demo pages should be updated soon, considering that they have been deleted or updated, but it may take a while. We recommend adding more content (to your blog or news page) on a regular basis. Have you tried submitting a sitemap to Google?


    Best regards,


    on starting to create your page – did you activate the maintenance mode?
    i do not know if that has been solved in version 6 – but in former versions – only deactivating that mode ( Maintenance Mode – or Custom Error 404 Page) is not enough to remove the setting of the entered pages. So first set “Select Your Maintenance Mode Page” to “Select Page” value – then deactivate that mode.

    This reply has been marked as private.
    This reply has been marked as private.


    Thank you for the update.

    As mentioned earlier, updating search results can take some time—often days to months—before changes are fully reflected. You can also request Google to remove specific pages from search results. Please check the link below for more info:


    Best regards,

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