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  • #1458641


    Is there a nice way to add a popup gallery lightbox from either clicking on an image or a button?



    if you place a gallery – you can choose on style – gallery style : to show only one big image – and the rest will be shown in lightbox.



    When you set gallery as main image only other images accessed via lightbox
    – is there a setting to change the rollover icon from 2 x arrows to an alternative icon, so it is more obvious that more gallery images are available?
    Or can you add a rollover title, so it states ‘View gallery’

    Please advise


    see here with an image :

    or simpler by a different font icon

    #top .image-overlay .image-overlay-inside::before {
      content: "\E80E" !important;
      font-family: entypo-fontello;
      font-size: 42px;
      font-weight: 400;

    Thanks for the info

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