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  • #1451871

    I am sorry to contact you but I’ve recently taken the webmastering of a client, because his old webmaster is no more able to continue.

    I’ve seen that he use the theme ENFOLD since many years, but the theme is outdated (Version : 4.3.2).
    I don’t have the themeforest or key access.

    How can I make to update the theme?
    Did I need to buy a new licence if I don’t find the old access?



    Hi Matthias,

    Unfortunately, you cannot download the latest version of Enfold without having an access to the ThemeForest account that was used when purchasing the license. If you don’t have an access to this account, you’d need to purchase a new license.

    After getting a license, you can download the latest version of Enfold from the Downloads page ( ) and install it in the WordPress admin panel > Appearance > Themes > Add New Theme.

    I hope this helps!


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