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  • #1451400

    I have to use fallback images of my own when the video element cannot download a thumbnail from the YouTube video itself . . . but this means that the video does not have a title.

    Is it possible for me to add a field to the Video Element that allows me to add a Title for various videos? Not just for one, but for any time I add a video that I have to use my own fallback image for. Basically would be like a Title or Caption on slider elements.



    Hey gatehealing,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Unfortunately, there is no option for this. You may need to manually include a Special Heading element or a Text Block and place the title there.

    Best regards,


    No prob. . . was a long-shot. Might be a cool feature to have a title/caption overlay available for fallback images, but the Text Box or Spcl Heading will work.

    Thanks! We can close this thread.



    Thank you for your understanding. Please feel free to open another thread if you have more question about the theme.

    Have a nice day.

    Best regards,

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