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  • #1447661

    In the socket of my website, the following text appears as follows:

    © 2024 Legal HD – Advice & Counsel. All Rights Reserved | Site Map | Legal Disclaimer | Terms of Service | Privacy Policy

    How can I move all of the text from “Site Map” to “Privacy Policy” so that it appears more toward the center of the socket? Right now the text is all crammed together with the copyright information, and I would like to create some separation.

    Link to page with socket is below.


    Hey craig374,

    Please try wrapping the content in question in a div or paragraph and add a class to it:

    <p class="socket-menu">Your content goes here</p>

    Otherwise it’s not possible to target it with CSS.

    Best regards,


    Thank you for the suggestion. Wrapping the content as suggested did move it; however, it moved it down to its own line, below the copyright statement.

    What I would really like to do is have all of the content on a single line, just have it spaced out to it isn’t all crammed together on the left side.

    Any thoughts on how I can accomplish that?

    Link to page with current socket below.



    You can wrap it in a span element instead, but please don’t remove what you added. If you do then we can’t help you out with CSS.

    Best regards,


    The suggestion does not appear to have any effect. Any other thoughts? I did flush the cache. The text is still grouped together on the left with the copyright information.



    Thank you for the update.

    Please include this css code to align the copyright info with the menu:

    #socket .copyright {
        float: left;
        display: flex;
    #socket .copyright .center-text {
        margin: 0;
        margin-left: 30px;

    Best regards,

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