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  • #1446927


    Currently, on one of our websites, we have the Enfold theme version 5.7, and version 5.7.1 is now available. Additionally, we have WordPress version 6.5.2, which is pending an update to version 6.5.3.

    In this regard, we wanted to ask if there would be any incompatibility when updating the theme from version 5.7 to 5.7.1 with WordPress version 6.5.2, and if, once updated, it would be advisable to proceed with updating to WordPress version 6.5.3.

    Thank you.


    Hey Mikel,
    I would expect that you would find no issues with updating. I would recommend creating a staging site for testing updates on it to check for any issues, and if you find none then update your live site.
    Most cPanel webhosts have a staging site option, some in the dashboard:
    Others add the option in the Softaculous WordPress Management
    There may be other staging site options in different cPanel servers, these are the two that I have seen.

    Best regards,


    Great, Mike!
    Thank you for your assistance. You can close this ticket whenever you like ;)



    Great, I’m glad that Mike could help you out. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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