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  • #1446921

    Dear Support Team,

    We would like to integrate various video elements on a customer’s editing page: see post

    The film on the left-hand side is via the video element with a link directly to a film that is on the company’s server (see screenshot:

    The film on the right-hand side is also integrated via the video element, but via a link to a YouTube film.

    Now we have the following problems:
    1. the film on the left starts onClick and is played directly (which is very good) – but without sound!!! How can I play the film with sound?

    2. with the right film, on the other hand, a lightbox opens on click and the video is played there: although the sound is available here, it is not good that the two videos are displayed so differently: one directly in the box, the other then via the lightbox. Is it possible to play the YouTube film directly in the box?

    Best regards, Diana


    Hey Diana,
    Thanks for the link to your site, I downloaded your video to my computer and found that your video has no sound.
    Please check the direct link below, please try uploading a version with sound.

    Best regards,


    Dear Support Team,
    please excuse this fauxpax, yes you are right, the deposited film really has no sound.

    I have now added a film with sound to another test page and will try to explain the different displays to you again: see link:

    Here is the appropriate screenshot for explanation:

    Left side: Film loaded from the server via link:
    1. on click on this still image > the video is played (with sound) within the box
    2. on click on the button ‘Creative Wave | rims design’ (below) > a new window opens > video is played there

    Right side: Film linked via YouTube link:
    1. on click on this still image > the lightbox opens > the video is played there
    2. on CLick on this button ‘Versatus | car seat concept’ (below) > the lightbox opens > the video is played there

    It is desired that the view of the videos does not differ and that the YouTube film is also played in option 1 (click on still image) > in the box (and not in the lightbox)
    And with option 2 (click on the button) the YouTube film is not opened in the lightbox either, but the link opens the corresponding YouTube page with the film directly in a new browser tab.

    Is that possible?
    Many thanks and best regards, Diana



    Thank you for the update.

    Have you tried setting the Video element’s Advanced > Privacy Settings > Lazy Load Videos settings to the second option (Wait for user interaction to load the video)? It might have been set to the third option (Show in lightbox).

    Best regards,


    Dear Ismael

    First of all, thank you for the video tip above. This has already helped me and I was able to integrate all the videos that we have uploaded directly to our server.

    But now there are also videos that we only have as a YouTube link.

    As we want to avoid the Google fonts associated with the YouTube videos being loaded on our website, we only want to offer the YouTube films as an external link to the corresponding YouTube page (in a new browser tab).
    So I have inserted the link command to the corresponding YouTube page at each navigation point: see screenshot
    The whole thing is here on the website:
    But now all 3 films open in the lightbox and not on a new page as stated. (And when they open in the lightbox, the Google Fonts are already loaded on our page) > How do I have to change the command so that the link to the film opens a new browser tab (new page) and the YouTube page with the film appears there?

    Best regards, Diana



    Thank you for the update.

    Have you tried setting it to open in a new tab? You can also hide the YouTube video URL using a link shortener such as This should prevent the theme from initializing the link as a lightbox.

    Best regards,


    Dear Ismael,

    Thank you for your answer, but unfortunately I did not fully understand both possibilities:
    1. open in a new window > I have entered this command in the link settings: see screenshot
    2. how should I abbreviate the following Youtube link: “”, for example, so that it does not appear in the lightbox?

    Best regards, Diana



    1.) In the screenshot, the link is set to “Open in the same window”. Try setting it to “Open in a new window”.

    2.) Use a link shortener such as or, and then use the resulting URL in the Video element instead of the default video URL. For example, we shortened the YouTube video URL using

    Use this shortened URL to replace the current YouTube URL.

    Best regards,


    Hello Ismael,

    Thank you for your reply. The tip with the link shortener – – was great: after I changed the links, it worked perfectly!

    Thank you very much! Everything solved perfectly!


    Glad Ismael could help, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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