
This thread covers a couple of different methods and I think that it might be confusing.
So if you want to use color icons, then you would use Guenni007’s example, the easiest path is to upload the png images to your media library and then for each one choose a existing theme icon that you would probably never use as a placeholder, for example the keyboard ( ue83a ):
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and then use this css to replace it with your image:

[data-av_iconfont="entypo-fontello"][data-av_icon="\e83a"]:before{font-size:0;width: 40px;display: inline-block;background-image: url(/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/tree.svg) !important}

now whenever you use the keyboard icon on your site your new image will show:
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If you want to use B&W icons you can take the B&W PNG images and convert them to SVG, then follow Guenni007’s steps to fix them for Fontello then upload the SVG to Fontello to create your icon font:
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then download the new icon font zip file and upload it to Enfold Theme Options ▸ Import/Export ▸ Iconfont Manager and then they will show in your icon list.

Best regards,