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  • #1439577

    hello everyone.
    I have inserted a direct link here (1 see below)

    is it possible to insert this link into a table?
    (2 see below)

    it would help me the most if you could insert this link in the portfolio so that the images open directly?
    (3 link below)

    thanks in advance
    kind regards


    Hey schweg33,
    Thank you for your patience, your first page looks like it is built with a plugin called “at-gallery”, I’m not sure if the plugin has an option to open the portfolio pages of the images, if you don’t see an option I recommend asking the plugin author.
    For the table, it now has three links, try adding a new link like those, if you can’t please include an admin login in the Private Content area so we can be of more assistance.
    For your last page I think that you want to add the image grid from the first page to this page, your “at-gallery” plugin should have a shortcode that you can add to this page, I would think. Is this what you mean?

    Best regards,


    Hello Mike
    Thank you very much for your feedback.
    I think I expressed myself incorrectly with my many links.
    I apologize.

    Thank you very much, I’ll try it this way:

    Since several administrators are working on this work, I do not want to pass on this password at the moment without asking.

    Thanks in advance
    kind regards


    Thanks for the feedback, on your portfolio page /portfolio-item/ you are using a shortcode to display the plugin gallery, I don’t know why the plugin gallery doesn’t show in the order that you wish, I don’t think that there is any sorting query involved. A portfolio item is a custom post type, CPT, you could try adding the plugin shortcode to a page and see if the order is any different than the portfolio page.
    Your plugin page /galerie/ is another CPT, so you can’t combine these two together.
    However, if I recall correctly the header image on your portfolio page is a Slider Revolution slider that is injected with a php function, so if you like the order of the /galerie/ page, you should be able to add the Slider Revolution slider and the background image so it will look like the /portfolio-item/ page.

    Best regards,


    hello mike
    here quickly for a short time the registration


    so this page number 4032
    start directly from the portfolio without shortcut
    thank you


    Thanks for the login, it confirms what I thought, that the /portfolio-item/ page is using a shortcode, and the /galerie/ is a CPT created by a “plugin”.
    Although this doesn’t seem to be a real plugin, it looks like some custom files added to your child theme and I could find no documentation, I imagine that the shortcode that you are using could have some sorting attributes, so you should ask where you got this code for the correct sorting attributes, for example your code now is:
    [gallery_images gallery_id=4032 page_no=1 no_of_image=300]
    and typically you could add a “order” & “orderby” like this:
    [gallery_images gallery_id=4032 order=ASC orderby=title page_no=1 no_of_image=300]
    this doesn’t work for your shortcode but perhaps if you ask you can find the correct attributes, this would be your best solution.
    Or if you can’t find any documentation or help wherever you got these files from, you could just use the /galerie/ pages and not use the /portfolio-item/ pages at all.

    Best regards,


    Hello Mike
    Thank you very much for your help
    then you can close this ticket
    kind regards


    Glad we were able to help, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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