Since I have a German site, I would like to change the name from “Archive for category:” to “Kategorie:”. And if possible center the complete title.
Hey Lin84,
That text should follow the language you have select under Settings->General, please try changing it to German there.
You can center the text with this CSS:
.archive h1.main-title {
text-align: center;
Best regards,
Thank you, the text is now in German. But I would like a shorter version: instead of “Archiv für die Kategorie:“ just „Kategorie”
Is that possible?
The centering worked but what do I have to enter in the CSS so that the title is centered on all pages and not just on the archive pages?
Thank you for the update.
You can use this filter in the functions.php file to adjust the format of the category title.
function avf_which_archive_output_mod($output) {
if ( is_category() ) {
$output = __('Category:','avia_framework').' '.single_cat_title('',false);
return $output;
add_filter('avf_which_archive_output', 'avf_which_archive_output_mod');
Best regards,