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  • #1433928

    Hi guys
    in my i can import every demo but not Shop Demo
    When I click on Clic on Download and import everything is ok but the it goes wrong can you help me please?
    Tks Gianluca


    Hey Gianluca,
    Thank you for your patience, I see that you have imported many demos and so your menu shows “home” pages from many different demos. The demos were not designed to work together like this so perhaps a conflict occurred. Try resetting your site with the plugin WP Reset and then try importing the shop demo again, if you still have problems then please include a admin login in the Private Content area so we can examine.

    Best regards,


    I did it but I couldn’t, I can import the other demos but not “DEMO SHOP”
    I am sending administrative credentials, thank you


    I The Shop demo has a lot of resources, I think your site is timing out on the import. Please try updating your server to these:
    PHP max input variables 10000
    PHP time limit 300
    Max input time 120
    Upload max filesize 128M
    PHP post max size 128M

    Then reset your site again and try again.

    Best regards,

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