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  • #1429195

    Hi Kriesi.

    I was attempting to create a Layerslider7 slide with a video, but I cannot get the video to auto start.

    It appears that Layerslider7 is meant to override the “?autoplay=1” parameter on a YouTube link via the “Automatically Play Media” switch under the Project Settings​ (Layerslider7 also immediately rips out the autoplay parameter if you try to put it in the embedded code directly). I have set this parameter “on,” but it does not appear to work.

    I’ve tested this on Firefox, Chrome, Safari and iPhone – none of the browsers auto start the video.

    To see if this was an Enfold issue I embedded the video a little further down the page, set the Enfold parameters to autoplay on, and it does autoplay the video when the page is first loaded.

    I’m not sure what to try next. Thanks in advance for the help.


    Hey egouldmedia,
    Thank you for the link to your site, most browsers are quiet strict about auto playing videos now, the audio must be disable and iPhones are the strictest and may block completely.
    I created a test page linked below with your YouTube video in the LayerSlider with autoplay and “Play Muted” enabled and tested in Windows in Chrome, Firefox, Brave & Edge and on Android and it worked correctly. You can test on your device, but forcing workarounds are more limited these days.
    The settings I used in the LayerSlider was the Video layer:
    with your YouTube video link and no added attributes:
    and then choose “autopaly after opening” and the “Play Muted” enabled:
    please give this a try.

    Best regards,


    Excellent! I knew I just didn’t understand how to set the parameters for the autoplay to work. Thanks for taking the time to show me. My site now autoplays the video as desired.



    Great! Glad to know that the issue has been resolved. Please feel free to let us know if you have more questions.

    Have a nice day.

    Best regards,

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