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  • #1427319

    Hi guys,

    how do I change the words “Beiträge” to “News” and “Portfolio Einträge” to “Stellenangebote” on the left in the WordPress menu and in the respective areas?

    I’m afraid that everything has to be changed individually and I don’t know if everything is possible… that’s why I have a small list of priorities ;-)

    Priority 1)
    Changing the words in the WordPress menu on the left… see screenshot-link – highlighted in magenta

    Priority 2)
    Changing the words in the respective areas.. see screenshot-link – highlighted in green

    Thanks in advance
    See ya


    Hey cheffe,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    You can use this filter to adjust the labels of the portfolio post type.

    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'init_reg_portfolio' );
    function init_reg_portfolio()
        add_filter('avf_portfolio_cpt_args', 'avf_portfolio_cpt_args_mod', 50, 1);
    function avf_portfolio_cpt_args_mod($args)
        $labels = array(
        				'name'				=> _x( 'Portfolio Items', 'post type general name','avia_framework' ),
        				'singular_name'		=> _x( 'Portfolio Entry', 'post type singular name','avia_framework' ),
        				'add_new'			=> _x( 'Add New', 'portfolio', 'avia_framework' ),
        				'add_new_item'		=> __( 'Add New Portfolio Entry', 'avia_framework' ),
        				'edit_item'			=> __( 'Edit Portfolio Entry', 'avia_framework' ),
        				'new_item'			=> __( 'New Portfolio Entry', 'avia_framework' ),
        				'view_item'			=> __( 'View Portfolio Entry', 'avia_framework' ),
        				'search_items'		=> __( 'Search Portfolio Entries', 'avia_framework' ),
        				'not_found'			=>  __( 'No Portfolio Entries found', 'avia_framework' ),
        				'not_found_in_trash' => __( 'No Portfolio Entries found in Trash', 'avia_framework' ),
        				'parent_item_colon'	=> ''
        $args['labels'] = $labels;
        return $args;

    And to adjust the default post, try this code.

    function ava_post_menu_label() {
        global $menu;
        global $submenu;
        $menu[5][0] = 'News';
        $submenu['edit.php'][5][0] = 'News';
        $submenu['edit.php'][10][0] = 'Add News';
        echo '';
    function ava_post_object_label() {
            global $wp_post_types;
            $labels = &$wp_post_types['post']->labels;
            $labels->name = 'News';
            $labels->singular_name = 'Article';
            $labels->add_new = 'Add Article';
            $labels->add_new_item = 'Add Article';
            $labels->edit_item = 'Edit Article';
            $labels->new_item = 'Article';
            $labels->view_item = 'View Article';
            $labels->search_items = 'Search News';
            $labels->not_found = 'No News found';
            $labels->not_found_in_trash = 'No News found in Trash';
            $labels->name_admin_bar = 'Add Article';
    add_action( 'init', 'ava_post_object_label' );
    add_action( 'admin_menu', 'ava_post_menu_label' );

    Best regards,


    Hi Ishmael,

    this works fantastically – thanks for your great support!

    See ya

    • This reply was modified 10 months, 2 weeks ago by cheffe.


    Great, I’m glad that Ismael could help you out. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic, or if we can close it.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    you can close it… thanks again

    See ya



    Thanks for letting us know, we’ll close this thread for now then. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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