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  • #1418827

    I’m trying to set up a page for people to buy tickets at, using paypal Add to Cart buttons. I decided I needed to contain the text and the buttons in a table. The table in avia is actually lists in columns. I understand why lists are better than tables on a responsive web page. But I’ve tried various CSS things both in the papal button code and in the “extra CSS” in Enfold but the buttons are still FAR below where I want them. At one point they were hidden behind the colored “blocks” in the “table.”
    Do you have a suggestion for CSS that will get them “closed up” under the item the button is for? and where do I control the CSS for the background color and borders of the “boxes” (which are really list items)?


    Hey bbarasa,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The “tickets” page doesn’t seem to exist. Would you mind providing a screenshot of the issue? You can use platforms like Savvyify, Imgur or Dropbox to upload and share the screenshot. Here are the steps to follow:

    1.) Visit the website of your chosen platform, such as Savvyify, Imgur or Dropbox.
    2.) Locate the option to upload a file or an image.
    3.) Select the screenshot file from your computer or device and upload it to the platform.
    4.) After the upload is complete, you will be provided with a shareable link or an embed code.
    5.) Copy the link or code and include it in your message or response to provide us with the screenshot.

    Thank you for taking the time to share the screenshot. It will help us better understand the issue you’re facing and provide appropriate assistance.

    Best regards,


    Sorry. I had the page only in draft view because it looks so bad. It was late at night and I wasn’t thinking. I get screenshots right from my computer.
    If you want the source code from that area of the page I can send it. But it’s a standard paypal button (the old kind) generated on the paypal site.

    The view cart button is in upper right corner of screen and I was able to position that fine by putting it in a text element.



    Thank you for the screenshot.

    Sorry. I had the page only in draft view because it looks so bad. It was late at night and I wasn’t thinking. I get screenshots right from my computer.

    We may have to access the site in order to properly inspect the element. Please provide the login details in the private field.

    Best regards,

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