Hi Supportteam,
i want to have a soft section to end a picture and cover it in half circles. I tried different possibilities, but none of them worked out for me.
If i use the 1/1 Element, i am able to put the original picture in the background and set my crossing-image in front in an picture-modul.
In this case i have an edge left and right, i did not want to have.
The second Option is, to use a color section, but there is no possibility to stretch my image, so there is no edge.
For a better Overview i share a picture of the site with you. Maybe i oversee something?
I want the halfcircle to end at the bottom of the pictures and to stretch to both sides so there is no white edge like in the upper picture.
Thanks for Help!
Hey agentur2c,
I’m not sure that I fully understand what you are looking to achieve, but maybe you could try adding the last image with the round shapes in a separate section as a background below the first image?
Best regards,
Hei Rikard,
at least i have two Images. The pink Backgroundpicture, wich i want to stretch over the full width. And the second one, the white half circles, wich i want so stretch over the full width, too and locate it at the bottom of the backgroundimage. So that the pink picture has no straigth cut, rather it looks like it ends with a smooth half circle.
At least like in the two pictures on top of this site, these are two pictures, too. And with this look i want to stretch it on full width.
I don´t think it works with enfold, so for the moment, i set the white lines directly in my picture and load it up as one picture.
Best regards,