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  • #1413562

    I can get categories that are represented on each page (I show 12 posts per page) up there, but I want them ALL to permanently be up there for each page of Blog Pages (not individual posts, but lets say I have 14 pages of blog pages, each showing 12 posts. I’d like to have all categories listed across the top). Alternatively, I could do a sidebar, but with full-width masonry, the sidebar is covered up by blog posts, and if I do a layout element of 4/5 so there is room for the sidebar, the blog masonry squares look completely jacked up.

    I only want the Categories listed at the top of the Blog Page since I have a sidebar on individual blog posts that shows them.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by gatehealing.

    Hey gatehealing,
    Thanks for your patience, as I understand your question you are using the masonry element with the sorting option which shows the categories at the top of the element, and since you are only showing 12 items for each pagination page all of your categories are not showing until you go to another page, unfortunately the masonry element can only show the categories for the posts loaded, to show more categories you can increase the number of items shown or manually change the date of one post from each category so your first 12 items shown will be one from each category.
    But when the sorting (category) links are clicked more items are not loaded, only those already loaded will sort.
    So the best option is to show more items so many from each category will be shown.

    Best regards,


    Yes, I am using the masonry element on my Blog Page where I set up how posts are shown.
    Previously, questions like this were addressed with simple Custom CSS code when features like this were not available. I am hoping there is something I can do to simply show all categories at the top instead of only categories of posts shown on each page without having to change dates or show too many posts on one page.

    Is this possible? Some kind of CSS code to show all categories instead of just categories shown on each page? Almost seems like simpler code than telling the theme to assess which categories are shown on a page, then only pull up those categories to list, especially since each page would be different.

    Thanks for any advice y’all may have with Custom CSS–this is really why I paid for the support to be activated again. If y’all don’t provide this type of support anymore, then I’d like to discuss a prorated refund since that would mean then nature of the support services has changed.


    Oh, I also mentioned that trying to put a side bar while using the masonry element does not work. A side bar with a categories widget would be fine . . . that’s what I do for individual posts. If there is no css code possible to just list category links at the top, then how do I get the sidebar to work with masonry? I can get the sidebar to show, but the masonry posts cover it up.

    If I choose Grid in Theme Options > Blog Layout > Blog Layout, then I get the sidebar, and the grid is ok, but the posts just show up in random order . . .I need them to be ordered by date. So, if neither of the above can work, is there custom css to make Grid Layout show posts in date order?


    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by gatehealing.

    Can you link to your page so we can see your page? If I was correct that you are refuring to the masonry “sort” which shows the list of categories above the items, then there is not a css solution that would show all of the categories if you want them to be clickable and sort the masonry items, neither would sorting the categories work if added to a sidebar element.
    But if you just want to add the categories widget to the sidebar, then you could do that easily, I’m just not sure if you expect them to “sort” the masonry element.
    If you want to add a sidebar to your page with the masonry element, you would set the sidebar in the page layout, for example this demo page has a sidebar with the masonry element. This is what the backend looks like:
    To have a grid layout that is order by date try setting your theme settings to Enfold Theme Options ▸ Blog Layout ▸ Blog Layout ▸ Use the advance layout editor to build your own blog layout (simply edit the page you have chosen in Enfold->Theme Options as a blog page)
    then edit your blog page to have a sidbar and add the blog posts element to the page and choose the grid layout:

    Best regards,


    Getting closer. I didn’t know that the Blog Posts element could be set to use Grid–I saw Masonry and assumed that was there for that kind of setup. I got it set up to order by date where I select the starting date and leave the end date blank. The trouble is, the list still shows everything in random order.
    website is

    Could you provide custom css to fix the issue with the order being random in spite of choosing the Filter by Date?

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by gatehealing.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by gatehealing.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by gatehealing.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by gatehealing.

    Try to not use the “filter by date” option, and check again. This is our blog post element demo and you will see that it is sorted by date by default.
    If you continue to have issues please include an admin login in the Private Content area so we can be of more assistance.

    Best regards,


    I set my Filter settings to: Display all, Display all, Deactivate offset, Always display element. It still shows up in random order that changes every time you refresh. I have cleared all caches in WordPress, cleared my browser data (firefox, up to date) and browser history, and re-saved the changes. I also tried in a cleared browser in Chrome with same ever-changing random order.

    I’m putting my info in private box. Thx,


    Update: My workaround for having the categories across the top is to add a text box with each category listed and linked.

    Still need posts to be ordered by date as in your demo page.


    Thanks for the login, I found that your child theme functions.php contained a function to show the posts in a random order, I disabled it and now your posts are sorted by date as you wanted:

    add_filter('avia_post_slide_query','avia_order_by_random', 10, 2);
    function avia_order_by_random($query, $params) {
    $query['orderby'] = 'title';
    $query['orderby'] = 'rand';
    return $query;

    please clear your browser cache and check.

    Best regards,


    Thanks! That seems to work.


    Glad we were able to help, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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