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  • #1413149

    At the request of a customer of mine, I have taken her website offline because she wants to stop her business.

    However, there is a very small chance that she will want to use the website again in 2 to 3 years and therefore want to place it online again.

    I’ve made some backups and now I’m wondering the following:

    – what will happen if I put this website online again in, say, 3 years? Is it still possible to update the current Enfold version to the Enfold version that will be available in 3 years?

    Or is the period between the two Enfold versions too long, and is it better for me to keep the website active on my local server, for example, and to update it now and then? (All plugins have been removed).


    Hey Alwin,
    I would expect that you will not experience and issues reactivating the theme in a number of years, please note the WordPress version you are now using and the PHP version and match these in the future.
    At that time I would expect that the future theme will be backward compatible to your current WordPress & PHP versions, and after updating the theme then you can update WordPress & PHP.

    Best regards,


    Hello Mike,

    What if I want to use my UpdraftPlus backup plugin to restore the site in 3 years? I don’t backup WordPress core files with UpdraftPlus.
    The workflow would be like this:

    – install a new fresh up to date wordpress
    – upload updraftplus plugin
    – upload updraftplus backup files
    – perform a restore with updraftplus

    So in this case I have to install an up to date WordPress first.
    Would that be a problem?



    Thank you for the update.

    The process you outlined above should work just fine, but please keep in mind that 2 or 3 years is a significant period for theme development, and many things might have changed since then. You should expect encountering a few errors that will require troubleshooting.

    You may want to create a backup of the current theme options or the whole database, just in case you need to do this process manually in the future without using a plugin.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for the help :)

    Best Wishes,


    Glad we were able to help, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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