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  • #1410601

    I have created our company webpage with your valued support.

    Today when I went into WordPress and Enfold with the intention to add some content, WordPress stated that there is a newer version of the website “Es gibt eine automatische Speicherung dieses Beitrags, die aktueller ist als die unten stehende Version.”
    I accepted this and since then – also after undoing the revision version – the site does not display correctly.

    Problems/ items not correctly displayed:
    – header: used to be gradient from dark grey to transparent at the bottom (and background image to the top). Now there is a black bar on top
    – Background image: used to be full page width. Now it is only in the width of the content block.
    – Fullwidth buttons: used to be same height and with background reaching from top line to bottom line. Now the buttons are not of same heigth and background does not reach down to buttom line.

    I would very much appreciate your help, as I need to fix this urgently. And I don’t know where the problem.

    Best Regards,


    Hey Reto,

    Could you highlight the problems in screenshots please? Also please post admin WordPress login details in private, so that we can have a closer look at your site.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard

    Thank you for coming back to me!
    Please find the login details below. I have also provided a link to a document that contains the screenshots and highlights the problems.
    FYI: Nikko was helping me with my website and with getting the layout working. He knows how the site used to look.
    I am looking forward to hearing from you.

    Best Regards,


    Hey Rikard

    I managed to solve the problem myself, by reverting to an old version of our website in wordpress. I did not find the reason why the problem occured though.
    You can close this issue.
    Thanks and best Regards,


    Hi Reto,

    I’m glad to hear that you were able to resolve the issue.
    Just create a new thread if the issue shows or if you need any assistance.

    Best regards,

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