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  • #1408021

    Lately I’ve been getting insufficient resources notices from WordPress while I work on my site. Sometimes the advanced editor shows a spinning wheel and won’t let me edit a page. Other time refreshing the browser will allow edits. I recently got a ‘critical error’ notice and the page broke and would not allow me to edit it. With all plugins turned off, Enfold advanced page editor will not work on pages, yet I can open and edit posts.
    Can you recommend steps I can take to fix this?


    Hey Fieldtripper,
    Thanks for the login, when I checked you pages the Advanced Layout Builder seemed to work fine, I checked your site health tab and the only thing I saw that you could improve is the PHP max input variables yours is set to 3k but you could try 10k, try asking your webhost to help you set this on the server.

    Best regards,


    Mike, thanks for the reply.
    Since I sent the request for help, I made these updates:
    1. Updated to WordPress 6.6
    2 Reinstalled the Enfold theme
    Made these updates as instructed by my ISP:
    3 Enable leverage browser cache
    4 Enable compression
    5 Optimize database tables

    Unfortunately, I still get the spinner disc on the Advanced layout builder, but only on Pages, not Posts and Portfolio pages.
    I will contact my ISP for help with the PHP max input variables next, but if you have any other ideas, let me know.
    thank you! -Michael


    Hi Michael,

    Thanks for the update. I checked a few pages on your site, but the Layout Builder is loading as expected on all of them. Is this only happening on some pages? If so, then please link to them directly. You might want to try to login with the details you shared with us as well, just to make sure the problem isn’t with the user account which you are using.

    Best regards,

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