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  • #1408018


    When I check my site using Lighthouse I got 2 error message considering list items.
    This problem only occurs upon testing the mobile surface. With the desktop site I don’t experience this issue.

    Does somebody have please any idea how to fix it?

    What I get either checking desktop or mobile is: [aria-hidden=”true”] elements contain focusable descendents
    I found a solution to to hide the focusable descendents but eventually my scroll down arrow disappears.
    My other question would be if somebody happens to know how I can bypass this check without getting rid of my arrow.

    Many thanks for your help,
    Have a nice day


    Hey davidv126,
    It sounds like your issue is similar to this thread, please try the solution to see if it helps.

    Best regards,


    Thank you,
    I am gonna give it a try once I get to my laptop.
    Can you please answer the 2nd part of my question, as well. How can I get rid of that notification without actually hiding those elements.

    Thanks again


    I believe this is the solution for both.

    Best regards,


    I tried everything. I After copying the file I even created a new child theme, I turned off css, js merging, turned on delete old css/js, even turned off the caching plugin, deleted everything manually and turned back caching. In the caching program I also set delete old CSS. and both the problem still occurs. Can you please log in if I provide you with details so that you can take a closer look.

    Thank you


    And I would have a totally different issue which occurred after updating to this newest version of your theme. After minifying everything I get the Lighthouse message in cosole: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘register’)
    at avia-footer-scripts-4619b90d68aa84bacc54710dbd11c254—646ab7de6a4c4.js?ver=1684715613:21:73885
    at avia-footer-scripts-4619b90d68aa84bacc54710dbd11c254—646ab7de6a4c4.js?ver=1684715613:21:73966

    and if I click on it to show where the problem is exactly I get the following:
    aviaJS.aviaPlugins.register(avia_js_shortcodes.aviaFoldUnfoldSection, ‘.avia-fold-unfold-section’)

    I opened another thread about it but it was of no help.
    I copy the URL of that thread maybe you can work something out.

    I am also writing an admin login into the private area because in the previous thread you asked for that so that you can check.

    Many many thanks for your help,

    Thank you again for your help?

    P.S: I am attaching a screenshot of the Lighthouse result.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by davidv126. Reason: Attached a screenshot

    So I mean to rush nobody but if somebody has any kind of solution I would be grateful since it almost breaks my layout and I tried everything. Had to reset the site from backup minimum 5 times.

    Thank you


    So with chatgpt I could temporary fix the uncaught typeerror with the following js

    (function() {
      function aviaFoldUnfoldSection(element) {
        var sectionElement = document.querySelector(element);
        sectionElement.addEventListener('click', function() {
          if ( === 'none') {
   = 'block';
          } else {
   = 'none';
        // Additional code for the functionality of the plugin
        // ...
        // Return any necessary values or objects (if needed)
      if (typeof aviaJS !== 'undefined' && aviaJS.aviaPlugins) {
        aviaJS.aviaPlugins.register(aviaFoldUnfoldSection, '.avia-fold-unfold-section');
      } else {
        console.error('aviaJS or aviaPlugins is undefined');

    I also had to add to the functions.php of the child theme the following:

    function enqueue_custom_scripts() {
      wp_enqueue_script('avia-fold-unfold-section', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/avia-fold-unfold-section.js', array('jquery'), '1.0', true);
    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_custom_scripts');

    But it works if the javascripts are minified within theme settings performance. After merging I am back to square 1. So it is at least a fast fix till I get the normal one in order for my site to be at least usable.

    The section.php however didn’t work. I copied it to my child theme changed the line but the lighthouse errors are still there.
    Can you please provide me with a fix, as well?

    Last but not least if somebody has an idea how to remove inline CSS don’t hold it back.
    I am attaching a screenshot:

    Hopefully that is all and thank you in advance.


    Thanks for the feedback, I see that you are minifying your css & js with wprocket and with the theme, this double minifying and or merging can cause issues, I would recommend only using one or the other for minifying and merging.
    Please note that we ask that each thread stays “on topic” and different threads are used for multiple questions, this helps future users find solutions easier and multiple Moderators assist you with a solution, thank you for understanding.

    Best regards,


    So this one would be a solution to which? I asked 3 different questions and none has been solved so far.
    Thank you for your answer


    Then I am gonna open the other two ones.



    So I guess this is the topic about the lighthouse errors the list items and the focusable descendants and unfortunately this section.php could not fix my issue.

    I guess this should be the one thread about the menu items.

    Thanks again


    I was referring to your javascript and css issues above.
    Anyways I thought this thread was bout the [aria-hidden=”true”] issue, I will try to investigate this more.

    Best regards,


    Yes and the accessibility issues with Lighthouse but you wrote that this section.php would fix both however it did not.

    :’I believe this is the solution for both.

    Best regards,

    Thanks and sorry but my webmaster left me here without even a word so I gotta do it for myself.


    Did you happen to find any solution?

    Thank you


    Thank you for your patience, I tested your page on PageSpeed and I didn’t get the elements contain focusable descendents that you showed in your screenshot but I did see the ARIA role missing which when I expaned the error it said it was due to the burger menu:
    typically a compatibility plugin could change this but since you are not using one I added this code to your child theme functions.php:

    function custom_aria_role_for_burger_menu() { ?>
      $('.av-burger-menu-main').each(function () {
      $(this).attr('role', 'menuitem' );
    add_action('wp_footer', 'custom_aria_role_for_burger_menu');

    and now this error is gone:

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Actually I am very grateful for this as the error is gone.

    So thanks again on this one.

    However you didn’t come across those focusable descendants because in the home page the slider is 100% so you don’t get there unless you scroll down but it occurs at all the other pages.

    I am copying here the issue (error message) and down in the private section I will attach a couple of URLs:

    Focusable descendents within an [aria-hidden=”true”] element prevent those interactive elements from being available to users of assistive technologies like screen readers. Learn how aria-hidden affects focusable elements.

    The URLs found below all come up with the same error.
    A huge thank you for this as well since it was a huge help
    And if you happen to come up with any fast and practical solution just like you did, I’d appreciate that.

    THanks and thanks again


    Thanks for the feedback, I see your link is to some inner pages where I had tested the homepage, I don’t know why you see the error there:
    but not on the homepage:
    For the two social icons in your footer in the text widget, I assume that you added these manually, can you just change the aria-hidden to false?
    I will research a solution for the scroll-top-link

    Best regards,


    Thank you for your answer,

    I believe those ones are not the one implemented in my footer, since I have put the following in the footer:
    [av_font_icon icon='ue8f4' font='entypo-fontello' style='' caption='' size='40px' position='left' color='' link='manually,'username'/' linktarget='_blank' animation='' id='' custom_class='' av_uid='av-dce4o' admin_preview_bg=''][/av_font_icon][av_font_icon icon='ue909' font='entypo-fontello' style='' caption='' size='40px' position='left' color='' link='manually,'username'/' linktarget='_blank' animation='' id='' custom_class='' av_uid='av-8vgx4' admin_preview_bg=''][/av_font_icon]

    Well of course I am not an expert at any of this but I have a feeling it is connected to something else about which I am sending a screenshot.

    Of course I am not sure the only thing I am guessing that is they are below the scroll-down-link


    And thanks for troubleshooting me once again


    Thanks for the feedback, I’m pretty sure that it is referring to the icons in the footer widget because it says div.textwidget
    Try copying the html for the social icons in the frontend and paste it into the widget instead of the shortcode and change the aria-hidden to false in the html and test again.
    Did you also test your homepage and get the same results as I did in the screenshot above, that shows no error for the same elements? Is your wp-rocket settings different for your homepage such as lazy loading or such?

    Best regards,

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