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  • #1406396
    Sean Moody

    I really love this theme and as the Web developer for the Office of Research at UC Davis I am now using for all of our websites. However, purchasing has changed and the IT tech people now purchase the theme and I no longer have access to the support that comes with the theme. I think we have purchased may 7 times and will purchase more. But I really need access to these forums.

    Can I have access anyway? We buy it at least twice a year and will continue to do so.

    Thank You!

    Sean Moody


    Hey Sean,

    I’m not sure who is buying your licenses, but all you need in order to register on the support forum is a purchase code. Maybe you can request that from the person who has access to the Themeforest account?

    Best regards,


    Thanks! I will check with them.




    No problem. Let us know if you require more assistance. We will keep the thread open.

    Best regards,


    I have entered the purchase code and posted my first question to your support team.
    I spread the word about Enfold.


    Glad we were able to help, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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