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  • #1405066

    Hi Enfold

    I have used iframes on different sites working just fine.
    I am building a new website for a school and for some reason having problems creating iframes – even though I am doing the exacts same setup – can’t figure out why it is not working. Any suggestions?

    URL and login data in private content.

    Best regards and thanks in advance


    Hey Carsten,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    It seems that the href value you’re using is a relative path, which means it is only pointing to a location within the current site’s directory structure. However, it’s not sufficient to just use a relative path as the href value because it doesn’t include the entire URL of the page you’re linking to.

    To properly link to a webpage and open the iframe inside a lightbox, you need to use an absolute path which includes the entire URL of the destination page, including the domain name. This will ensure that the link works correctly and takes the user to the intended page.

    You can find the absolute path by adding the domain name and any necessary subdirectories to the beginning of the relative path. For example, if your site’s domain is and you want to link to a page called “another/path” located in a subdirectory called “pages”, the absolute path would be “”.

    Please check the private field for further instructions on how to fix the issue with your link.

    Best regards,


    Hey Ismael

    Thanks for getting back to me :-)

    However I do not quite think, your suggestion provides a solution to the issue. I allready had (and have again) tried both an absolute and a relative link path – witth the same result: The page opens – but not in an iframe. And, by the way, I actually have other web sites where I have been using relative link paths for iframes with no issues at all…?

    Is there a chance you could look into this again please. Thanks in advance.

    Best regards



    Thank you for the update.

    The lightbox is not working correctly because of an error.

    caught TypeError: links.not(...).addClass(...).magnificPopup is not a function
        at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (avia-snippet-lightbox.js:248:61)

    We also noticed that the site contains an older version of the theme, which might be the reason why the error occurs. Please try to upgrade the theme from 5.4.3 to version 5.5, then purge the cache. Upgrading the theme should help fix the issue.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Ismael – updating worked :-)

    Best regards



    Great, I’m glad that you got it working. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic, or if we can close it.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard – you can close the topic, thanks again :-)

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