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  • #1404989

    I’m trying to reproduce a table like this with the enfold tools, just can’t seem to get there. If I use the row grid I get something like this with a colored background and white columns where inside I add the icon text functions etc. The problem is that the grid row reaches the margin of the page and is not included in the container size. If I only use the columns, obviously I can’t get the external beige background with the white interior but I get the width of the container. If I use the color section I always have the problem that the width is at the margin of the page and instead I would like it to be container width. I don’t know if it’s possible to achieve something like this with the functions I have available…



    you can do that with grid-rows one after the other.
    The Grid-row is on default a full-width element – but with a bit of script you can force it to be not:
    give a custom class to your grid-row – f.e.: grid-notfull
    this comes to child-theme functions.php:

    function grid_layout_notfull(){
    $responsive_size = avia_get_option('responsive_size');
      $('.av-layout-grid-container.grid-notfull' ).each(function() {
        var notfullID = $(this).attr('id');
        $(this).hasClass('main_color') ? $(this).wrap('<div class="main_color notfullsize '+notfullID+'"></div>') : '';
        $(this).hasClass('alternate_color') ? $(this).wrap( '<div class="alternate_color notfullsize '+notfullID+'"></div>') : '';
      $('.notfullsize').css({"clear": "both", "width": "100%" , "float": "left" , "position": "static" , "min-height": "100px" });
      $('.grid-notfull').css({"max-width": "<?php echo $responsive_size; ?>" , "margin": "0 auto" , "padding": "0 50px"});
    add_action('wp_footer', 'grid_layout_notfull');

    you can see what the snippet does: it wraps the grid-row element to a div container with the settings for a “color-section” ,
    and the grid-row element itself gets the porperties of a color-section container. ( max-width, padding and min-height )
    the max-width is taken from the option setting of enfold dialog.

    see here a layout with 3 grid-rows :

    the wrap-container got the class from the grid-row ID – so you can select better each grid-row.
    Means: if the grid-row got ID: av-layout-grid-1 – the div container wrapping that grid-row will have the class: av-layout-grid-1


    wow! Thanks!


    nice thing to have – because the grid-row is a mighty thing to nest columns – see example page again.


    Thanks for sharing Guenni007

    Best regards,

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