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  • #1403129

    Hey there,
    I want to use videos and images inside an accordion toggle to be opened by a lightbox.
    I know Enfold comes with all the elements (accordions, lightbox-function for videos and images as media elements).
    But how can I put the media element in a content element?




    Hey MyWin,
    To add an image in the accordion toggle that will open in a lightbox, use the add media button above the text field
    choose your image and in the ATTACHMENT DISPLAY SETTINGS choose Link to media file
    now clicking on the image will open it in a lightbox
    To open a video in a lightbox, choose an image as your video thumbnail and in the ATTACHMENT DISPLAY SETTINGS choose Link to Custom URL and add your link, if using YouTube use this format:
    now clicking on the image will open the video in a lightbox.

    Best regards,


    everything is right – little hint – place a video alb element outside of that with the link to your youtube video. On Content – you can click “Download Video Thumbnail” – this image will be saved in the media library.
    After that – you can get rid of that “helper” video alb element – but now you can insert this thumbnail inside the toggle content.


    Hey Mike,
    thanks four your reply!
    The instructions for opening an image in a lightbox placed in an accordion toggle is working great – thanks for this.

    But the instructions for opening a video in a lightbox placed in an accordion toggle is not correctly functioning.
    The video is opening, but there is no closing button top right is missing and by clicking on “escape! the lightbox window is not closing.
    Can you give me a fix for this as well? See Link @PM


    @Guenni007: Thanks for your tip! I already have the thumbnails ready ;)

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 12 months ago by MyWin.

    Dear Support,
    I guess there is still a bug in the lightbox video code…
    If I try to open it on an iPad (iOS with Safari) I first get this (see picture attached) and nothing works. I have to click on the play button again to make the video loading in the lightbox.

    Lightbox Video on iPad Safari not loading

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 12 months ago by MyWin.

    Thanks for the feedback and the link to your test page, while your video is opening in a new window and playing on Windows, it’s not opening in a lightbox as in my example, please review the steps above and if you have further trouble Please include an admin login in the Private Content area so we can check.

    Best regards,


    Hey Mike,
    it is not opeining in a lightbox even though I followed your instructions completely. The lightbox is only working on images not on videos.
    That is the problem. It is not working as a lightbox :(

    Please look for PM with admin login to check


    Thanks for the login, I see that you are using a self-hosted video, in this case, you can add this to the end of the video url: ?iframe=true
    I have adjusted this for you and now the video is playing, please check.

    Best regards,


    Hey Mike,
    thanks the lightbox is working now. Great!

    But the problem with self-hosted video not loading on iOS Devices all browsers remains :(

    Does anybody else has a solution for this?


    • This reply was modified 1 year, 12 months ago by MyWin.

    Thanks for the screenshot, I don’t have an iPad so I have asked the team to check with iPads, in case it helps what iPad model are you using, and is the same in Safari & Chrome on the device? Thank you for your patience.

    Best regards,


    Hey Mike,
    thanks for keeping on! :)

    The problem shows on iPad Air 2 in Chrome and Safari and as well on iPhone with Chrome and Safari.
    It shows on Mac OS in Safari only.
    The Safari DEV Tools says:
    Failed to load ressource: Last von Plug-in bearbeitet”

    If I click on the small square in the opening lightbox window, the video starts laoding and playing. Next time opening the same video in lightbox, the problem is gone and video starts at once (probably from the browser cache?). That is really strange…

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 12 months ago by MyWin.

    Hey Mike,
    I really need to start my web project for my client today: Is there a solution for the video not playing in Safari and on iOS devices?
    Looking at Enfold support forum… it seams to be a common problem.

    I would appreciate a short reply soon…



    I attached a picture showing developer information from safari
    Thumbnail gets stucked in the controls div…

    See PM


    Hey Enfold Support,
    you can close topic.

    I am really disappointed that you can’t find a solution for this common problem. So I am going to use the plugins Wonder Video Embed and Wonder Lightbox Pro for this.

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