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  • #1402526
    Jason Bolger

    Hi team,

    I have been doing some testing with WP 6.1 and have found that Enfold is causing a massive slowdown with WP 6.1.

    The tell tale sign is that when using Debug Bar or Query Monitor the Object Cache Hits goes from ~10k (normal) to ~100k (crazy).

    Page loads go from being 0.7-2s to being 2-5s for simple admin pages.

    Switching the theme to Storefront drops Object Cache Hits back down to a normal level and performance is restored. I have tested with WP 6.1 and 6.1.1 as well as Enfold 4.9 through 5.5. As above I have disabled all plugins.

    This issue does not happen with with Storefront or any other theme.

    Can you please provide some guidance on this issue. I have been a customer for several years however you’re blocking support posts for customers.



    Hey Jason Bolger,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Does the issue occur when the Enfold > Performance > File Compression settings are disabled? When the file compression options are enabled, the theme stores all the scripts and stylesheets in the database and this might be causing the spike in the object caching.

    Would you mind providing a screenshot of the issue? You can use imgur, savvyify or dropbox for the screenshot. Thanks.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for the reply Ismael,

    I thought you were onto something, but I disabled the File Compression options and found no difference at all :(

    This is the same page (Enfold Settings) loading on 6.0.3 and 6.1.1

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    This should be pretty easily re-producable – only installed plugin is Query Browser.


    Can’t edit posts – but check out the difference in page load time 😲



    You should also try and disable the “Unique Timestamp Of Merged Files And WP Object Cache Bug” settings to get rid of duplicates. The option is located in the Enfold > Performance > Show Advanced Options section. Please make sure to purge the cache, do a hard refresh or test the site on incognito mode.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    If I disabled caching as we previously discussed, I don’t think this setting has any effect.

    At any rate I disabled it per your request with no change.

    Can you please advise how we get some proper investigation and a real fix for this issue as this is blocking WP core updates on my production site given the horrific performance.



    Thank you for your patience, the Dev Team was unable to reproduce your results, and I also tested on my server and had a Page Generation Time of 0.5461s and Object Cache of 13,692 hits
    Please try updating to WordPress v6.2 and see if that helps.

    Best regards,


    You made me dig further :) I tried a default install and it worked OK, not great when I enabled Enfold (still 3x the cache hits of the default theme)

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    So I restored my DB and started deleting options until I found what caused it. Turns out Enfold is doing something weird when I have my WP_LANG set to en_AU

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    Can you please pass this on to the devs to reproduce and provide some kind of fix? It should not be that slow just because I set WP_LANG to en_AU. Note that with any other theme this is not an issue.



    * the parameter causing the issue is WPLANG. Can’t edit my posts.


    Thanks for the feedback, the Dev Team writes that the WP_LANG is deprecated since WP 4.0 if you google it
    Enfold uses the WP function to register the text domain – not WP_LANG.
    What would be worth a try is to create en_AU translation files (po and mo) with loco translate and place them in enfold/lang folder.

    Best regards,


    I am talking about the wp_option value for the key WPLANG which is set by the WP Settings screen. This is most certainly NOT deprecated.

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    I can not be the only person with this issue – every Enfold user with a non-default language must be seeing this slowdown.

    Can you please provide a fix for this?


    It should also be added that it is only Enfold that breaks, and only with WP 6.1+.



    Thank you for breaking down the problem. WP introduced class WP_Textdomain_Registry with 6.1 and this class caused the problem.

    If you need a hotfix please modify enfold/functions.php:

    Around line 173 you find:

    if( ! function_exists( 'avia_lang_setup' ) )
    	add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'avia_lang_setup' );
    	function avia_lang_setup()
    		$lang = apply_filters( 'ava_theme_textdomain_path', get_template_directory()  . '/lang' );
    		load_theme_textdomain( 'avia_framework', $lang );




    	if( did_filter( 'after_setup_theme' ) )

    If you need help let us know and we can do it for you.
    Do not forget to make a backup of the original file for a fallback.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Günter,

    This hotfix brings page cache hits back down to a reasonable level, and almost halves the page generation time where there is no translation present, however Enfold is still running measurably slower on WP 6.1+.

    For instance, with Enfold on average of 10 tests, a category archive generates in 0.43 seconds on 6.1, but 0.39 seconds on 6.0.

    If I do the same test with twenty twenty three, a category archive generates in 0.36 seconds on v6.1, and 0.35 seconds on 6.0.

    I was hoping that the caching improvements in 6.1 would bring some page speed improvements.

    Do you have any other ideas on what the difference could be?



    Hi Jason,

    I found this post:

    Enfold with the ALB shortcodes has some overhead to load in php, css and js. We added the .min files for css and js on user request as HTML 5 is optimized for that. You could try this instead of the merged files.

    Maybe increase of memory might also help – and use of a cache plugin and responsive images (but this you probably know/use already).

    Best regards,


    Hi Günter,

    I am comparing the same version of Enfold on WP 6.0 and WP 6.1. It runs slower on WP 6.1.

    The stock theme does not run slower on 6.1.

    Seems like there is still some optimisation to be done in Enfold even after the lang fix.



    @Günter any further updates?


    Hi team, can we please get an update and or a timeline as to when a fix will be included in a version of the plugin.


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