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  • #1401851

    Hi all,
    My contact form widget / plugin isn’t working properly so I’m looking for a new solution.
    Does Mailchimp allow a contact form / widget for the footer? I am using a contact form for “newsletter signup” and that’s what I see in the Enfold documentation, but what about just a basic contact form with name, email, phone, and comments?
    Is that possible in Enfold?



    Hi Rob,

    Yes, it’s possible.
    Please create a new post, then add a classic editor, inside the classic editor click on the Magic Wand tool as shown in the screenshot:

    Hover over Content Elements > Contact Form, then setup the contact form, once it’s done it should show some codes called a shortcode.
    Copy the shortcode (you can delete the post) and paste it to your widget.
    Hope it helps.

    Best regards,


    Hi NIkko, that appears to be the Enfold contact form, correct? My question was about incorporating a Mailchimp contact form so the contacts go into our Mailchimp database.



    Hi Rob,

    I apologize for misunderstanding and yes you are correct that I was only referring to contact form.
    To integrate mailchimp, you’ll need to first add your mailchimp API key in Enfold > Newsletter > Enter a valid Mailchimp API Key to use all newsletter related theme functions once the key is verified, you can go directly to Appearance > Widgets then add Enfold Mailchimp Newsletter Signup where you can choose which Mailchimp List to subscribe. It can also be added to pages using the Advanced Layout Builder, add it via Content Elements > Mailchimp Signup. One thing to note though, is the content inside the form is changed in mailchimp website.
    For further information please check our documentation:

    Best regards,

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