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  • #1401150

    My client wants their header set up in a unique way.
    They want the logo in the center with the menu items on both the left and right.

    Here are two examples they provided of how they want the header to look.

    Here is my website –
    I already have a child theme set up.

    Can you help? Thanks!


    Hey edgeofcinema,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    You can use the following css code to pull the menu up and create some space between the fourth and fifth menu items.

    #top #menu-item-64 {
        margin-right: 75px;
    #top #menu-item-60 {
        margin-left: 75px;
    #top .container.av-logo-container {
        margin-bottom: -60px;

    This may require a few adjustments on smaller devices or screens

    Best regards,


    here is another way to get it.
    Starting point is – header setting: logo left – menu right !

    the rest with snippet for child-theme functions.php and quick css is all on that page:

    that method provides a way to have shrinking header too !


    btw. you can do that manually – by inserting the logo as image in your menu ( that is what the script does )
    This can be done by inserting the image src code to the Menu Label. – for better selecting that Menu-Item give a custom class to it ( all can be done in Menu Options )
    The Rest is quick css – like you find it on that page if you break to hamburger on 989px the min-width media querry had to be adjusted to 990px



    Thanks for helping out @guenni007 :-)

    Best regards,


    This solution worked well, thank you!



    Great! Glad to know that the suggestions worked. Please feel free to open another thread if you have more questions about the theme.

    Have a nice day.

    Best regards,

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