Dear Kriesis,
I’m now installing the english version of the website using a different URL for English. This is a relaunch so I cannot switch to display the languages by directories, what works without any problems. The problem is the same I found in a topic from 2021: all general font settings in enfolds english dashboard and custom style.css concerning font-families are ignored and replaced by system fonts in Firefox and Chrome. In Safari it works better but not 100 percent as wanted.
What to do?
Best regards
Hey annevoelkel,
Thank you for the inquiry.
The font files for the EN version have to be loaded from the DE site but it is currently not allowed because the cross-origin resource sharing policy (CORS) is not configured accordingly. Please check the article below for more info.
You may need to contact your hosting provider and ask them to set the CORS policy according to your requirements.
Best regards,
Hey Ismael,
thank you for your quick reply and I’ll contact my provider.
Best regards
Thanks for the update. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic, or if we can close it.
Best regards,
Hi Rikard,
the problem is solved and you can close the topic.
Thanks to the team for always great support.
Best regards
Thanks for letting us know, I’ll close this thread for now then. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.
Best regards,