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  • #1378708

    Hi Enfold! Please help. We made a minor change to the tabs on this page (switched a download link on the downloads tab) and now the content on the tabs is not accessible and the formatting is incorrect.

    I’ve provided a link to the product page I’m referring to as well as a link to another product page that is working properly so you can see what it should look like.

    We have a lot of theme changes, have we stretched Enfold too far? We plan to resort to a backup if necessary but this is the 2nd time it has happened and I suspect it will keep happening. What can we do?



    Hey julhobart,
    Thanks for the link to your pages, are you using html tags in title elements such as strong, for example do you ever see this error?
    Typically this is the cause when the element is not accessible and the formatting is incorrect, if so please restore your backup and correct each one of these warnings to ensure you will not have further issues.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,
    Thanks for your quick response! No, I don’t see that warning but we are using shortcodes within the tabs so we can have columns on the tab and it has given us a lot of trouble. Part of the shortcode has a red box around it and when I click on it to edit, the screen goes black the the browser closes.

    Any other advice?



    Hi Mike,
    Thanks for your quick response! No, I don’t see that warning but we are using shortcodes within the tabs so we can have columns on the tab and it has given us a lot of trouble. Part of the shortcode has a red box around it and when I click on it to edit, the screen goes black the the browser closes.

    Any other advice?


    Can you include a screenshot of the red box, you can add screenshots by uploading your images to a screenshot host and pasting the HTML code or link in your post or the Private Content area.

    Best regards,


    Thanks, it looks like the Avia Layout Builder Debugger but it looks like it is in the wrong place, was it like this before the page crashed or only after?
    When adding shortcodes into elements it’s important to ensure that the closing tags are included, otherwise the theme will try to fix the error by adding the closing tags but sometimes it might add them into the wrong place causing the page to crash.
    Typically you will need to use a backup to restore from this type of error.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,
    No, it was not like this previously, it was only after the edit was made. We use these shortcodes successfully on other product pages, it is only when an edit is made that it displays the error. Now we are in a situation where we can’t update any content on the tabs so I’d like to understand what is happening so I can fix the error and update the product pages with the content we need.


    Typically when the theme tries to fix an error caused by a missing closing tag but adds it into the wrong place the error is hard to find and sometimes can’t be manually corrected.
    I will take a look at the page and see if I can spot the error, please ensure the Avia Layout Builder Debugger is enabled and link to the page with the error and include an admin login in the Private Content area.

    Best regards,


    what’s the best way to provide an admin login? should I set up a new one with a support email address? What is the email address I should use?


    I do have a little more information. The image you included with the warning IS something I’m seeing now. However, the formatting we do on the tabs is done in the quick CSS section and not on the tabs themselves. There are no HTML tags. This has worked for us for a long time, this error is new. Thanks!!


    Thanks for the feedback I would still like to login and see an example before the error, such as a page or post that looks similar to the error page but before an error, and the page with the error. Perhaps by comparing the to I can identify the element “at risk” if any.
    Please post us your login credentials (in the “private data” field), so we can take a look at your backend.

    1. Install and activate ” Temporary Login Without Password “.
    2. Go to ” Users > Temporary Logins ” on the left-side menu.
    3. Click ” Create New “.
    4. Add the email address for the account ( you can use (Email address hidden if logged out) ), as well as the ” Role ” making that the highest possible and the expiry about four days
      ( to be sure that we have enough time to debug ).
    5. Click ” Submit “.
    6. You’ll now have a temporary account. Please provide us here in the private section the URL, so we can login and help you out.

    When your issue is fixed, you can always remove the plugin!
    If you prefer to not use the plugin, you can manually create an admin user and post the login credentials in the “private data” field.
    Please note we will not receive the email, so post the user ID and the password in the Private Content area below.

    Best regards,


    We restored the page with an error so there is now no error. However, if you click on the tab element from the backend, you’ll see the error – just don’t save!

    I created a test page that is not published called Tab Test Page where you can explore further. You can make change to this page and save the draft. As a reminder, I do think the issue is in the Quick CSS area, that is where we applied formatting to the tabs. Thanks for your help!!


    Thanks for the login, the product page you linked to has HTML in the page title:

    <strong><span style="color: #0066b3;">Premium</span></strong> Pre-Formed Cuff<br>$89.99</br>

    I would recommend against this practice, you can use css to change this on the frontend, but I’m not sure where you expect this to show since you have page titles disabled in the theme settings. I see that all of your products are like this:
    For the Tab Test Page that you created, is definitely broken as the tabs are not selectable and at the bottom in the backend and the red box should not be there. I tried coping it to my demo site but couldn’t fix it.
    There are 81 <div but only 77 </div so that means there are 4 unclosed div’s there are also Unicode Characters in the page code which was probably added when you copied and pasted from wherever you copied the code from.
    The page also contains empty divs with classes such as page, section, layoutArea, column
    these serve no purpose and I recommend removing them.
    For this page you should start over and add the tabs one at a time and check the html carefully, there is no easy fix for this.
    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    Thanks for digging into this! Do you think the HTML in the page titles is causing the issue with the tabs? The reason we did this was so we could format the category pages the way we wanted. Woocommerce wouldn’t let us achieve the formatting we wanted so we disabled those pages and created our own. I provide an example page that illustrates this in the private content area.

    To create the “details” tab, we wanted two columns, which tabs doesn’t support. To get around that, I created two columns using the layout elements (see draft page called shortcodes) and copied the shortcode into the tab. I got that idea from this support page, could that be causing the issue?

    I don’t want to change the HTML in the titles unless I know for sure that is causing the tab issue, is there a way to confirm? thanks again!


    Thanks for explaining the reason behind the product titles, I don’t believe that this html in the product titles is causing an issue with the tabs, I believe the html in the tags is the cause. I bring up the product title html because it may be a risk if someone edits the title and accidentally removes one of the closing tags, please just keep this in mind and maintain backups.
    For the tabs, I looked at the draft page called shortcodes and this shortcode and html looks pretty clean with no unclosed div’s so this should be fine to use in a tab.
    But the code in the other page with the unclosed empty divs needs to be corrected to look like your shortcodes page.

    Best regards,


    Hmm, ok this mostly makes sense now. The thing that is unclear is I used the shortcode from the shortcode page to create the tab with columns in the page that is now not working. I’m afraid if I rework all the tabs on my product pages that I will have the same problem since I’m not doing anything different but just doing it again. I can recommend to my client that we remove the columns/shortcode but they were set on that design so I’d like to make this work.

    When I originally created the page, I did test it thoroughly before launching. It broke afterwards.

    Thanks for any other ideas you might have. At this point I’ll likely recommend to remove the columns since we don’t really know the issue.


    Ok, but to point out what I’m seeing again, the columns in the tabs like on your page called shortcodes is fine, but the code in the tabs on the error page has 80 div’s, 4 of which is unclosed and most are empty, as in the screenshot above.
    This is not the case on your page called shortcodes, I assume that you setup the original layout and someone else has been trying to follow your layout and in their copy/paste added all of these extra broken div’s, that is where the problem is.
    Or another way this could occur is if you were copying the tables from another page/site on the frontend and not the source code, and then pasteing into the tabs in the visual mode of the text element in the tabs instead of the text mode the text element in the tabs.
    The visual mode of the text element will add formating from the clipboard.

    Best regards,

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