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  • #1378233

    I’ve been trying to update Enfold Theme since 5.2.1 I do the update and then my home page has errors in the design, on my about page the images dont show up and so I recover my old version and wait for the next update with bug fixes.
    I have done this three times, again this morning trying to update to the same thing has happened.
    Does this happen to any one else? can some one help me? I’ve also noticed that since doing the recovery I get a message
    (Your WordPress install has old directories from its state before you restored/migrated (technical information: these are suffixed with -old). You should press this button to delete them as soon as you have verified that the restoration worked.) when I do this it gives me an error message ( done with UpdraftPlus Backup/Restore ) My regular backup is not working anymore either?


    Hey Dave,

    That is not a general theme problem, no. We would have to see the actual problem in order to help you out, maybe you could update on a staging version of the site first?

    We can’t help you out with the restore problem you are having, since it’s not theme functionality. Maybe you could try reaching out to your hosting provider about that?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard, can you explain a staging version?? I’m a sports shop owner doing my own site ;-) I love the theme looks great but with the update the images of the About page dont show and the Home page doesn’t have any formmating :-(


    Hi Dave,

    A staging site is just a duplicate of your live website, you can see further explanation here.
    Some hosting providers provide a way to do that via cPanel, if it’s not available on your hosting provider, you can use a wordpress plugin, you can check these options as well as instructions on this article:
    Hope this helps.

    Best regards,


    Ive tried 4 different staging plugins non want to work; Im frustrated WP was always working so easy now im up agains a wall :-(



    Thanks for the update. Maybe you could hold off with updating until you have managed to set up a staging site? We can’t really help you out unless we can see the actual problem unfortunately.

    Best regards,


    Hi, Ive got a staging site up now, did the theme update and now the changes are visible on the Staging site.
    Ive left the access to the staging site below.



    Thanks for that. I’ve compared your staging and live site, but I can’t see any obvious problems with the staging site. Could you post screenshots highlighting the problems please? If you could include WordPress login details to the staging site, then that would be helpful as well.

    Best regards,


    I have a problem installing the Enfold theme, for some reason it doesn’t want to install in wordpress, it throws us the following:
    The link you followed has expired.
    Try again.

    We installed the theme a few months ago for another client and it works great, no issues.
    Now we bought a new license on themeforest on the fourth and what I wrote above is happening.


    Hi Lambrosgi,

    Please open a new thread and include WordPress admin login details in private, so that we can have a closer look at your site.

    Best regards,

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