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  • #1376229


    der Text, den ich im Kontaktformular eingetragen habe, der nach gesendeter Nachricht verschickt werden soll, wird leider nicht angezeigt! Stattdessen erscheint ein weißes leeres Feld und der Absender erhält keine Information darüber, dass die Nachricht verschickt wurde.
    Könnt ihr den Fehler beheben?

    Danke vorab.


    Hey Nic_007,

    Please try the following in Quick CSS under Enfold->General Styling:

    h3.avia-form-success {
      color: green;

    Best regards,


    Unfortunately does not work, only a small white field appears.

    Is it possible that the message i appears in white letters on a white field and is therefore not visible? Or would the form have to disappear entirely and just a message appear? Was this also your idea?


    I still need help because the message does not appear!



    Is it possible that the message i appears in white letters on a white field and is therefore not visible?

    Yes, that is the case.

    I changed the code to following one

    #top h3.avia-form-success {
      background-color: transparent;

    Please review your website :)

    Best regards,

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