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  • #1375225


    Seeing an odd issue with breadcrumbs.

    I have two categories: “Navigation” & “Hill walking” and two posts: “Contour only navigation” which is in the “Navigation” category and “Cairngorm 4000-Ers” which is in the “Hill walking” category.

    If I view the Contour only navigation blog post, this is what I see in the breadcrumbs:
    You are here:Home/Contour only navigation/Navigation/Contour only navigation

    It is showing the category under the post name.

    I had expected:

    You are here:Home/Navigation/Contour only navigation
    so Home / Category / post

    The same goes for the other post.

    The site is at: https://hillstreesandstreams.co.uk/contour-only-navigation/




    Hey DigitalEssence,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Did you add any filters or code in the functions.php file to adjust the breadcrumb? Please provide an admin account and access to the file server (FTP) so that we can check the issue further, make sure that the theme is updated to version 5.2.1.

    Best regards,

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