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  • #1372731

    Hi guys,

    With the latest version of Enfold two things happened with the Masonry Element.

    1. The h3 post title turned blue (I fixed it with CSS)
    h3.av-masonry-entry-title {
    color: #ffffff !important;}
    It worked.

    2. A Gap is showing between the rows (cleared every cache – tried Safari, Chrome and Incognito Chrome) even though it’s set to No Gap. This I have no idea of how to fix.

    Help! Thank you!!


    The home page of is the one that has the masonry.


    Hey havi,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Glad to know that you managed to fix the first issue. For the second one, this css code should work.

    figure.av-inner-masonry {
        margin: 0;

    The issue occurs because a css rule from block-library overrides the default style.

    Best regards,

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