I would like to set it so that the featured image that displays at the top of a single article displays full size at 1200x628px. Currently it is cropping a little from the top and the bottom as seen here https://bigskyconsulting.net/5-essential-tips-for-hiring-a-personal-assistant/
How do I change that?
Also, I would like to prevent the main logo from showing on the home page but I would still like it to show on the rest. Currently I just have a white image in it’s place.
Can/How do I do that?
Hey bigskyjt,
Thank you for the inquiry.
You have to modify the includes > loop-index.php file and adjust this code around line 88.
$size = strpos( $blog_style, 'big' ) ? ( ( strpos( $current_post['post_layout'], 'sidebar' ) !== false ) ? 'entry_with_sidebar' : 'entry_without_sidebar' ) : 'square';
Replace the thumbnail entry_with_sidebar with full.
$size = strpos( $blog_style, 'big' ) ? ( ( strpos( $current_post['post_layout'], 'sidebar' ) !== false ) ? 'full' : 'entry_without_sidebar' ) : 'square';
You can also use the following plugin to adjust the size of the entry_with_sidebar thumbnail.
// https://wordpress.org/plugins/image-sizes-controller/
Best regards,