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  • #1368126

    Hey Team,
    I use Enfold almost since its inception, now with 8 licenses, and really appreciated your effort and what you did. Yet I feel it comes to a point where I have to go on with something else. Your top theme Enfold 2017 is now 5 years old but the web never sleeps.

    Is there any new theme in the pipe? More modern appearance supporting more of the major plugins? I know it’s difficult to keep up with all that like top-notch sliders, SEO tools, community plugins, and so forth. Yet I have to make a decision.
    Hope to hear about your plans.
    Much appreciate it


    Hey Axel,

    Enfold is a theme, and Enfold 2017 is a demo included in the theme. That means that the demo included in the theme is 5 years old, not the actual theme. The actual theme receives regular updates which you can read more about here for example: https://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/changelog/. We are releasing new demos on a fairly regular basis, and you can view them all here: https://kriesi.at/themes/enfold-overview/

    Best regards,

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