Dear support team,
For a website I would like to use the timeline element. It should be a vertical timeline that is placed in the middle but does not have a rotating display of the milestones. Unfortunately, this option doesn’t exist and I can’t do it myself using the css.
– the timeline should always show the “milestone date” on the left and the “milestone title” on the right, like in this view: / but the timeline shouldn’t be aligned to the left, it should be
– the small images should be arranged in the middle of the website, as in this view: / just not with a change in the placement of “Date” and “Title”
Could you help me? What settings do I have to make to achieve this (central alignment / no change)?
Many thanks and best regards, Diana
Hey Diana,
Thanks for contacting us!
I edited your Timeline element on /home-v3/ page and gave it a custom ID “mid-timeline” in Advanced > Developer Settings tab and then added following code to bottom of Quick CSS field
/* Center timeline element */
#mid-timeline .avia-timeline-vertical.av-milestone-placement-left .av-milestone-content-wrap {
width: 50%;
Please review your website :)
Best regards,
Thank you very much :)