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  • #1355253

    I have a general question. I have made several attempts to add Elements with plugins like Generate Blocks, a WP plugin, but they never show up in Avia block editor (or Classic, either). Do I have a theme setting wrongly set that might be blocking them?


    Hey jaliisah,
    Thanks for your question, the GenerateBlocks plugin is for the WordPress Block Editor, so it is not available in the WordPress Classic Editor.
    The Avia Editor (Advanced Layout Builder) doesn’t support other editor plugins.

    Best regards,


    Bummer! i have been searching the web for a week for something that will work for me. I am trying to generate a button grid. Neither of Avia’s work for me because some of my button text is too long and it word wraps. I need to be able to use a smaller text. I tried a grid that would let me use the code block so I could generate the buttons in another plugin and input the short code but the spacing is just awful and I have found no way adjust it to attractive. Just adding rows to columns doesn’t work either, because I cant find a way to center the 3X4 grid and the color choices are fairly awful. I am sure ooen to suggestions if anyone else has solved this one.


    I believe that we can help you with a button grid, please try the Button Row:
    in my example I used 3 buttons per row, centerd, each button x-large, no icon and basic colors, but there is an option for custom colors:
    I didn’t see any text wrap at any device size, please check my demo link below:
    assuming that you want equal button widths, I added this script to the end of my child theme functions.php file in Appearance ▸ Editor:

    function equal_buttonrow_button_width() { ?>
      	$(' main > .post-entry-type-page > .entry-content-wrapper').each(function(){  
         var $rows = $('.avia-button ',this);
         var maxWidth = Math.max.apply(Math, ${
             return $(this).width();
    add_action('wp_footer', 'equal_buttonrow_button_width');

    Note that my page ID is page-id-3240, so you will need to adjust the script to your page ID which is page-id-196
    my results are:

    Best regards,


    Mike, you are a genius! Thank you so much, both for the fix and for the learning experience. I had never used a child theme and had to install it There were several important lessons in that alone, like backing up my theme files. Problem solved, I am a VERY happy camper! Thank you again.


    Glad we were able to help, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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