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  • #1352982

    I have a page that is linked down below. If you take a look at the content that right below this portion of the content where an article is listed (Wet Nurses to Donor Milk Banks and Back Again: The Continuum of Sharing Our Milk to Save Lives) which is close to the top of the page the next article listed goes to the full width of the page as well as all further content. If you look at the html you will see that the rest of the page is not in the class “template-page-content” but is outside of it for some reason.

    I have set up a staging copy of this site if you want to have access to it. The credentials and link are in the private content.

    This was all working and at some point recently has stopped working. I did update to the latest version of WordPress yesterday. It may have coincided with that. I have deactivated all plugins and still the issue persists. They have not been reactivated.

    Thanks for your help!


    Hey Michael,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Looks like you have added a lot of html tags in the page and there might be some tags that were not closed correctly. Please check the html tags and make sure that they are all closed properly, and temporarily remove any custom shortcodes in the page. Try to recreate the page from scratch if possible.

    Best regards,


    Thank you for taking a look. I looked at the code and didn’t see anything wrong. What actually fixed it was to have a maximum of three “Read Article” links in a container. Once I did that it started working.

    Also, do you know why the videos are not working any more on this page as well? There are four at the top of the page under “ILCA Resources” that no longer work. I can’t even insert a code block with an iframe and get them to work.


    Hi crashclint,

    I think it may be caused by this error in the web console showing in the web console:
    (index):206 Uncaught ReferenceError: fbq is not defined

    Best regards,


    I disabled that script and the videos still do not work.


    There was an interaction between another plugin that was preventing the videos and other scripts from running. A plugin update fixed it.



    Thanks for the update. So everything is working as it should now then?

    Best regards,

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