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  • #1345833

    I built a page with a tab section and it really looks very nice on desktop, but unfortunatelly this section is not responsive. I thought that the different tabs will be showen in a vertical row on tablet/smartphone screens, like other sections do.
    You can check out my page with the provided link. How can I make it as nice as it is, but responsive?

    And then there is an other question: each tab created an anchor link – I put each anchor link of a single tab section in the main menu, and it works fine, if you choose one topic in the menu. But when you are already on the site and a tab is opened, this doesnt work anymore: if you click on an other entry in the menu (that would lead to an other anchor link), it doesnt work. (I hope you understand what I mean, f.e. you are on “facials” and choose “eyes” in the main menu “Leistungen – Eyes”, nothing happens). It looks like the site doesn`t load again? How can I fix this problem?

    Thank you very much for your reply!


    Hey Andreas,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The tab section is responding correctly on mobile view when we checked the site. How would you like it to display? You may need to hide the tab section element on mobile view and use a different element to display the same information. To hide or to toggle the visibility of a specific element, you have to edit it and select the appropriate check boxes on the Advanced > Responsive Settings > Element Visibility settings.

    Best regards,

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