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  • #1344800

    I have created a transparent header on all pages (see here: but how can I use the same header style on posts, author pages and archive pages?

    See current post header here: and current author header here:

    Thank you!


    Hey WebDevDept,
    Thank you for your patience and for the screenshots, it looks like your new header is created with css and a background image to create the blue wave, is this correct?
    If that is true then you should be able to target the archive pages by changing the classes.
    To force a transparent header for author & archive pages add this function to your child theme functions.php

    add_filter('avf_header_setting_filter', 'avf_header_setting_filter_mod', 50, 1);
    function avf_header_setting_filter_mod($header_settings) {
    	if ( is_author() || is_archive()) {
    		$header_settings['header_transparency'] .= " header_transparency";
    		$header_settings['header_class'] .= " av_header_top av_logo_left av_main_nav_header av_menu_right av_custom av_header_shrinking_disabled av_header_stretch_disabled av_mobile_menu_phone av_header_transparency av_header_searchicon av_header_unstick_top_disabled av_minimal_header av_bottom_nav_disabled  av_alternate_logo_active av_header_border_disabled";
    	return $header_settings;

    please note that with a transparent header the #main loses it’s 88px top padding so all of the content shifts up.

    Best regards,


    Hey WebDevDept,
    Thank you for your patience and for the screenshots, it looks like your new header is created with css and a background image to create the blue wave, is this correct?
    If that is true then you should be able to target the archive pages by changing the classes.
    To force a transparent header for author & archive pages add this function to your child theme functions.php

    add_filter('avf_header_setting_filter', 'avf_header_setting_filter_mod', 50, 1);
    function avf_header_setting_filter_mod($header_settings) {
    	if ( is_author() || is_archive()) {
    		$header_settings['header_transparency'] .= " header_transparency";
    		$header_settings['header_class'] .= " av_header_top av_logo_left av_main_nav_header av_menu_right av_custom av_header_shrinking_disabled av_header_stretch_disabled av_mobile_menu_phone av_header_transparency av_header_searchicon av_header_unstick_top_disabled av_minimal_header av_bottom_nav_disabled  av_alternate_logo_active av_header_border_disabled";
    	return $header_settings;

    please note that with a transparent header the #main loses it’s 88px top padding so all of the content shifts up.

    Best regards,

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